The Melamine Superio is an economic melamime that offers a two-pack premium finish with excellent Gloss Retention and heat tolerance. It's a tough, durable clear finish ideal for high-wear surfaces like home furniture, offices, and institutions. This is available in Matt and Gloss varient.
Economic Melamine
Tough Durable Long Lasting Clear Finish
Good Resistance to Heat & Common Household Spills
Excellent Gloss Retention
Excellent non yellowing characteristics
Smooth Finish
Good gloss retention
Lasts twice longer than alkyd PU, local French polish /Lakh dana polish
Multi- purpose Wood Finish Product for long lasting bonds with HP TECHNOLOGY (HYBRID TECHNOLOGY)
900 Base +100 Hardener
5-8 Hrs
80 sq.ft/Ltr/Coat
Plot no.142, Chimes, 3rd Floor, Sector 44, Gurugram, 122003, Haryana